Tuesday, 30 July 2013

From Snowflakes To Sunshine

Back in February I braved our high-street with a crisp £10 note. My mission: to find a jumper for unravelling. I wanted yarn and I wanted it cheap. This seemed like a good way to do it.

I went in charity shops and poked at seams. I read labels. I mentally de-constructed every piece of knitwear I could find until I bought this. 

I didn't even try to put it on
I'm going through a bit of an orange phase but I've never been through a pink snowflake phase so I unravelled. I lost the pink and some of the orange around the snowflake. The lengths where too short to really knit. And I cut through some of the shoulder accidentally. 

Even with clumsy hands and inexperience I came away with 845m of yarn. Awesomesauce! So what to do? Whose pattens go great with recycled yarns? Yep, I went with another Leethal pattern, this one from the Remixed Collection. (I swear I have other designer's stuff on the needles!)

It's possible that I only take a good photo when I'm about to fall or trip.
The pattern is called Freewheelin' and my project is called Rays of Sunshine. Because it's the orangest thing ever. I've been working on it since march but for a month of that I was working on a baby blanket and other small projects. So the actual knitting time wasn't that long and it was delightful, watching how all the cables ran into each other, winding ad twisting.

This is going to be great for breezy nights when I can't resist walking down to the sea and in winter the orange will look shockingly brilliant over my long black winter coat. I'm just so happy with this shawl!

This is the only place I'll be wearing it in these temperatures though.

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