Tuesday 9 December 2008

Spice and spuds

I had the day off today which allowed me to do some things I'd really - and I mean really - been neglecting.

Every piece of washing is done, the bathroom sparkles, new towels hang on every rail, new sheets on the bed, several bits of dangerously off looking food vacated my fridge and cupboard, and my unpacking has finally been done.

As day off tradition dictates Stephen and I spent lunch together. Living closer to his work means that I can be more elaborate with our packed lunches. Cooking for Stephen means I can't. For myself I had Samose Stuffed Baked Spuds from Veganomicon topped with coriander and home-made garam masala. Stephen had his favourite, baked potato topped with his other favourite, cheese.

The garam masala I made about two weeks ago. I roasted the spices and ground them in a pestle and mortar. I actually have a coffee grinder so I don't have to grind spices by hand but it was hardly the most important thing to pack when I moved to Devon. I've never felt a desire for home made garam masala before. I used the spice mix from Indian Every Day and I was disappointed. It was a little too bland for me. I'm happy cooking with it but I don't think I'd use it as a garnish. I guess that puts me on a mission. How to make the perfect garam masala.

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