Tuesday 16 November 2010

Meat Free Monday: Girls In The Lead, Leaders In Dips

Two of my lovely Guides took over the meeting last week. They planned, bought ingredients and lead the other girls. It was very impressive and inspirational. It's a scary job, well done to them. But I thought I'd supply a few more grown up nibbles.

So for sampling I made my own crackers. Usually I whine when I want a cracker for Hummus or something and there aren't any in the pantry but it turns out they are super easy to make and just being flour, oil, and water they're also dirt cheap. I added some chopped chives from the balcony.

Along with the Hummus (which is shop bought, my home made is cursed) is some black olive tapenade -a huge hit- from How to Cook Everything: Vegetarian and the Sweet Basil Pesto Tapenade from Veganomicon At the end of the night I snook some of the basil tapenade onto my pizza and it was fabulous. Really fabulous.

It wasn't just for us leaders, I let the girls dip in too. Most of them where content to eat their crackers plain. Fine by me, now I have leftovers.

1 comment:

  1. Love your little heart-shaped crackers. Who knew making them was so simple? I need to look for a recipe and try making some.
