Tuesday 30 November 2010

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

It's the end of my second Vegan MoFo and while I won't have enough brain power left to analyse how this month has effected me for a few days yet there is absolutely one thing that is beyond doubt. None of this I could have done alone. My occasionally blogging but mostly silent partner Stephen.

He spell checks, makes the odd post and most importantly does all the washing up. Yes all of the washing up. He is a perfectionist about it and doesn't like me mucking up the system but I don't argue too much. One of the things that stops me cooking when I'm feeling depressed is that I feel I lack the energy to cook, one of the things I enjoy most in the world, and Stephen is constantly at my side to pick up the slack and to shout encouraging slogans.

Stephen joked that the Vegan Month of Food was his Vegan Month of Washing Up. And I wanted to do something nice. Washing up myself seemed like a good idea but then I'd ruin the system. But there is one thing he always loves and that is a good cake. And the coffee cake from Vegan Brunch always goes down well. Wherever I take it and whatever variation it gets gobbled up. This time I went for chocolate chips and a post it note.

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