Sunday 8 July 2012

Forest Garden

I know it seems like I have no time in my life for anything but knitting. I have time for other things. They just happen to be work and sleeping and the more I do of the former the more I need the latter. The knitting is working out well though. Mainly because I can do it in my lunch break and in the hour before I pass out from exhaustion in the evening.
I've been knitting solidly on a Damson shawl made from the pippit. This yarn was dyed from the comfry at work (always work!) to give it a lovely subtle green and the project name 'Forest Garden'.
"Okay, now be a little more serious..."
Unfortunately I can't read so I tried to knit this without enough yarn for the edging and had to sub in some black 4-ply. Oh well... too exhausted... plus I think it adds a little extra goth to the whole thing. 
"I give up, just face the wall."

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