Thursday 3 July 2014

Commitment Issues

As I've barely had time to blog the last couple of weeks it may come as a surprise to you that I've got myself signed up for a few things. It may not. You know me.

 My first sign up came as a surprise to me. I had my shetland fleece on the bobbin and my Zwartbles, Exmoor Blueface and North Ronaldsay ready to go. I had absolutely no time or fibre to take part in the Knitmore Girl's Spin Along Knit Along right? No time to spin and knit an entire jumper.

Well actually after the Shetland was off the bobbin everything turned out to be much faster to spin. Not entirely a surprise as I'd spun the shetland straight from the lock and in it's closed up state it was much harder to get through then well behaved rolags. So, okay I have space on the wheel but the fibre? Well we may have ordered a kilo of Exmoor Blueface roving.

That's a kilo alright

Spin along, knit along here I come. I really didn't think I'd be able to use it as a Tour De Fleece goal though. The first day of the tour is a large scale Guiding event which I won't be able to take my wheel too. The last days of the tour I'll be at fibre east. But I have a spindle for a reason so I'm officially signing up to spin every day. A more manageable goal given my commitments.

My Exmoor Blueface spun from the scoured fleece 

And with that first lot of Exmoor Blueface off the bobbin I have to do something with it... as it averages at a light fingering/lace weight why not dye it green, buy some black beads and a specific kind of dental floss and knit the Heart To Heart Beaded Scarf for the Knitmore Girls's Summer Of Lace and Beads. A knit along for knitting beaded lace, why not?

I think I have some kind of commitment issues.

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