Monday 30 September 2013

The End

So Vegan MoFo comes to an end. Let's have  a chocolate muffin and reminisce.

It's been a hard MoFo for me. I had bit's of my theme planned back in July but I never got to write about it in the end. My Nan died a little before MoFo so I was out of town doing the really depressing chores associated with that and I didn't really have time, or the mental energy for all the cooking and writing involved. I just took everyday as it came and as a result I feel like I did a pretty weak MoFo. And I hated how little time I had to just read and comment on other peoples blogs.

In total I belted out 26 Mofo posts. I missed two days because of the annual MoFo illness (this year it was asthma!) and Stephen wrote two entries.

My favourite post was the Nasturtium DIY zine (get your copy now!) and these meatballs where my favourite picture.

I received 25 comments, and I'm grateful for all of them and everyone who read along without commenting.

I'm going to take a break for the week and we'll be back on the usual Tuesday to Saturday schedule next week. I hope you enjoyed MoFo


  1. You take time and enjoy your break Clare. Sorry to learn about your Nan and how vegan mofo this time roudn was tough. I've enjoyed meeting you through vegan mofo and continue to visit. I like the zine post too.

  2. Thanks for the kind words. I certainly enjoyed myself this MoFo but it wasn't quite as smooth as the ones in the past.
