Saturday 31 October 2009


Happy Halloween and the last day of Vegan MoFo. This month we have made 30 posts over 29 days. I missed two days of bloging, one for a morning in A&E the other because I just felt like crap. My Dad visited. MoFo has taught me quite a bit but mostly it's taught me to be adventurous. I've tried new things, like pastry and sweet potato, plantain and -my new favourite! - pumpkin. I've cooked bread dough in three new ways, I'm about to crack the perfect bagel. In my proudest moment I even made the official blog.

I hope the people who have found my blog because of Vegan MoFo stick around but more than that I hope they have enjoyed this month as much as I have.

I'd hoped to finish on a high not but instead all I have to offer is an inedible Chard Frittata from Vegan Brunch. I have to point out that the fact that I couldn't eat it had nothing to do with the recipe or the taste. I've been feeling just a little bit wobbly today, especially my stomach. So I spent half an hour cooking it but couldn't swallow it at all. Sad, because it's a great recipe and had some of my home grown chard in it.

Also for your viewing pleasure: Stephen in his Halloween costume.

And our pumpkin, now donated to a little girl.

Happy Halloween, and I hope you've had a happy Vegan MoFo 2009!

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